Sep 17, 2023Liked by Ed West

'...racial narcissism is a bottomless well, and if we don’t stigmatise it in all groups...a minority of people will become unbearable to live around.

Couldn't agree more. And 'racial narcissism' is a term that deserves to be heard at least as often as, say, 'white supremacy'. I don't think I've ever met a white supremacist but I've certainly met some racial narcissists.

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Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023

"Trudeau arranged a photoshoot."

Surely you could insert this in any mention of Canada. I can't find it now, but there's a photo of a photographer taking a photo of Trudeau, who is signing photos of himself.

Edit: It's here https://twitter.com/dantappin/status/764674869246042112?t=poyedSMRt9rOE5YSVhwzFg&s=19

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okay that one wins for all time. The one that sticks in my mind was this "spontaneous" one:


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Stunning. Perfect and stunning. Perfectly stunning.

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Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023Liked by Ed West

Wokeness was turbo-charged by the Civil Rights Act, but the ideology is much older than that.

And in its current form it owes as much to social media as it does to the CRA.

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Pit bulls here in the US are controversial as well. They have developed a cult-like following among certain demographics, mainly poorer, working class people and, perhaps not so ironically, some hipsters. I have never understood the appeal and I'm a dog lover.

Regarding the Roman empire, the Western world has been fascinated by Rome ever since the collapse. The lingering specter of the Empire haunted the medieval world, the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. Just about every educated man, theological or secular, would have had an interest in the Romans. Today's world and may like to focus on the cruelty of the empire (both true and a red herring) but for most of history after the collapse, it was because men were conscious of a greatness that had been achieved by the Romans, the empire a manifestation of human cultural genius, and yet it collapsed and that world retreated into a dark age that took a thousand years to recover. An intelligent mind cannot but help but be fascinated by tremendous greatness followed by decline and fall and what it means about mankind itself. A dark warning that always haunts the far reaches of our mind. And that is still the real reason men are fascinated by the Romans.

I do wonder, however, that women aren't so interested in the Romans. Exceptions, surely, but I find women less interested in the grand narrative dramas of history.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Ed West

Finished Once Upon A Time in Northern Ireland this week. Very well done documentary.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Ed West

Excellent roundup/links, thanks

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'...racial narcissism is a bottomless well, and if we don’t stigmatise it in all groups...a minority of people will become unbearable to live around.

Couldn't agree more. And 'racial narcissism' is a term that deserves to be heard at least as often as, say, 'white supremacy'. I don't think I've ever met a white supremacist but I've certainly met some racial narcissists.

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I liked "The counter is that a lot of fashionable and popular beliefs - the patriarchy, systemic racism, disaster capitalism - are conspiracy theories themselves." I've always thought the patriarchy was pretty much "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" for women.

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Thank you so much for the kind praise!!!!!

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you're welcome!

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re Brexit. Part of reason why Britain got accepted in to the TPP. Is Britain agreed to give visa free access to Peruvians. The reason why Peru had not been given visa free access was Peru's support for Argentina in the South Atlantic - Peru had sent material and men to support Argentina -Mostly to the Chilean border- Some as liasion officers in the Navy.

Britain decided to forget the point for TPP membership- Which is why my ex wife and daughter were finally able to visit. So that was a small win for me. I know what the price was there

Which leads me to my point about Automation. My ex wife, and I and my daughter had to travel to Ireland for a wedding. We go via Heathrow flying to Belfast ( As an aside ex wife had to be smuggled into Ireland as the Irish state doesn't allow Peruvians visa free access) At Heathrow we hold up the line- as my daughter has to look into a scanner to confirm it is her. Unfortunately my daughter has Autism so she isn't big on eye contact. Nice lady working the desk -who develped deafness when my ex wife began insulting her in spanish. Apologised but pointed out she would have to contact her boss, and we might well miss our flight. After biting me in my face, my daughter decided to look into the scanner. Similar things happened across our journey. I have to say people where very kind.

If People aren't there. It is not just the elderly who are excluded.

I see similar with work at our NHS. People are sent via ther Dr's to outpatients. The automated system, does not say. You Mr J. Smith have an appointment with Dr Shipman in Sheperds Bush General hospital-outpatients- The Bevan Building . It just mentions an appointment and time. Appointment is almost certainly outpaitents. If you are not familar with the system. You would not know this.

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I'm sorry to hear that, it sounds very stressful.

Incidentally, Peru supporting Argentina is also linked to them - ALLEGEDLY - throwing that game in the 1978 World Cup right? I wouldn't want to insinuate that Argentinians are cheating at football - that would be a disgusting slur and surely untrue - but I've heard it rumoured.

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Incidentally saw this little beauty from your neck of the woods on Insta https://www.myhome.ie/residential/brochure/the-blue-house-bridge-end-ramelton-co-donegal/4734981

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Ed West

Lovely colour. You would want to put another floor on it though

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Argentina is the traditional ally of Peru v Chile. Argentina was considering an attack on Chile at the time. There had recently been a RW coup in Peru following a police uprising.

The point lost on outsiders is that Peruvian team was dominated by Alliance Lima players- Alliance Lima are the Celtic to Universidad of Lima's Rangers. Alliance Lima was willing to field Afro Peruvian players. - So that 78 team which was more Afro Peruvian than the current Peru X1 being told to lie down is more tragic than it often understood

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Still waiting for a formal apology from the Argentinian government for 1986.

The documentary about Maradona in Naples is very good. A very tragic figure at the end, a flawed genius who was taken advantage of by some pretty bad guys.

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He'd fit in well with most saints then. And Naples has over fifty patron saints:


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A town can never have too many patron saints. You just don't know what those people up in Milan and Turin are planning next.

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I'm proposing Michael Caine as the next patron saint of Turin

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that sounds like a 'great idea'

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SNCF is one of my favourite things about living in France. The almost quaint pride of the crews is disarming, when there are delays. They really are proud of their service. I take a lot of long train journeys here and the sum of my negative experiences cannot match the grim memories of each trip from Shrewsbury to London in my old life.

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French trains are amazing all round. Even local ones seem quite punctual and smart.

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'I admit that I have never been able to listen to that interview, I just don’t have the stomach to endure that level of humiliation'.

I have often wondered why Matthew Sweet waited until they were on air before pointing out Wolf's mistake. Of course it made great Radio and Wolf probably deserved it. But I might have been tempted to mention it pre-interview, just to spare Wolf her blushes - if she's capable of blushing. Either way, Matthew Sweet must have trembling in anticipation as the moment approached.

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According to Tom Holland, - and I'm sure he's right - life was cruel and brutal before Christianity softened us up and made us worry about the poor and animal welfare. So just as I'm pleased that a series of tribes invaded Britain because they ended up making me, so I'm similarly pleased that Christianity was introduced into Britain because it brought the morals I now largely subscribe to. But, along with Nietzsche, is there anything that makes you think the introduction of Christianity into Britain was not an unalloyed good?

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Hoping for an Ed West "parasitic merchants" post some day soon, perhaps with accompanying T-shirts.

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I'd like to hear more about Caldwell’s Age of Entitlement.

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'I’ve just read Richard Hanania’s The Origins of Woke.

I really like Richard Hanania's writing but the thought of reading a whole book about Civil Right's Law fills me with dread.

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