
You, a tendency toward pessimism?! Get outta here, no way!

Anyway, you mentioned Saxons vs. Vikings -- I actually got the American version of 1066 and before All That for free a couple days ago with my Amazon rewards (you still get royalties, don't worry) and it's a lot of fun so far. Have intended to look into English history more as my knowledge of it is lacking even though it's important for understanding Deep America (as masterfully put forth in Albion's Seed) so this series should be a good way to fill in the details up to the 17th Century Albion' Seed era.

I didn't know Edward the Confessor was such an odd duck.

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Thanks, Uncle Ed. Onwards to 2024!

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Thanks for the Christopher Caldwell article - very enlightening.

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He's great. The best IMO

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"Azerbaijan, Tajikistan and Belize eliminated malaria."

That's lovely for them. However, wouldn't it just take one infected person and one mosquito to have it back again?

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