Dec 31, 2022Liked by Ed West

I subscribe to several substacks but only this one as a paying subscriber. That's because I have learned from experience how my initial enthusiasm almost invariably wanes and I end up feeling I ought to read something simply because I've paid for it. Almost uniquely, my enthusiasm for this substack hasn't waned.

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Yeah same here.

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Ed West

Congratulations on your success! Very well deserved, and I'm sure more to come in 2023.

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Thanks for all your writing this year, Ed. Have a great start to 2023.

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Ed West

Thanks, Ed. You're the consistently the best writer, you deserve your success. MORE in 2023! X

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I'm not a UK resident and I may just be projecting my own US views of being unconcerned about immigration, but I really do not get the hostility to immigration tat la behind Brexit. I can understand the argument that given the feelin, it would have been better that it be explicitly manifest rater than being displaced onto commercial relations with the EU.

As a visitor, I look around London and see the diversity of ethnicities as a vote of confidence that it is a good place to live and work.

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Forgive my bluntness, but maybe you should take a look at a map. It's also a noted error of Americans to equate London with Britain. Tush.

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I can't quite remember how I first navigated to your substack. Probably a name recommended somewhere in another substack or even article or perhaps the Spectator. Well worth the discovery. Looking forward to many new writings in 2023.

Still think you should pursue a history book in the Mark Forsyth style, linking 10 consecutive people who lived to be 100 and whose lives overlapped to show only 10 generations to the dark ages. Something short, snappy, good for the loo or coffee table or bedside table, and perfect for today's decimated attention span (another byproduct of big tech, thank you very much).

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You might be interested in Brad DeLong's recipe

Reverse austerity;

Re-progressivize taxes;

Prioritize education;

Rejoin the European Union;

Triple-down on government support for high-tech and engineering;

Support Greater London;


Tax the rich of Greater London and the various Tory gentry of the shires to build the infrastructure that Britain ex-London so desperately needs.

[I think that "reverse austerity" just means tax and invest. If it does not mean reduce the fiscal deficit, I dissent from that point.]

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Very droll

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Forgot to say...you're the best value on substack too!

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I am a subscriber (paid) and appreciate your thoughtful essays.

We gave several copies of your books in the Very, Very Short History of England series to our children and grandchildren this Christmas. The books are helpful in understanding history and also enjoyable to read.

Best wishes for 2023.

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Wow thank you very much. There are U.K. editions being published from next year which will be a bit expanded and hopefully improved on. All the best

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They might like at least knowing about Jane Austin's teen age "History." :)

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Perhaps you have already read it, but if not, I always recommend Eric Kauffman's excellent 'Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth?' to people in this sort of space (on your themes of Small Men, and the Children (or lack) thereof).

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Not everyone is getting constantly sick with colds/flus. That's a known side effect of the vaccines, unfortunately.

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No it isn't vaccine-related. The reason for the surge in respiratory tract ailments is understood.

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Look at the available data for COVID-infections-by-vaccine-status in the UK, before they stopped publishing them. Similar numbers reported by other studies since. Many multiples higher in the vaccinated group, probably due to imprinting/immune tolerance.

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What about immuno 'naivety' caused by lockdowns? For a crime against humanity these vaccines don't seem to be causing much harm when you dig into it

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That would have affected vaccinated and unvaccinated people equally, if such an effect existed. However lockdowns had no measurable effect on COVID so it's a stretch to claim they worked for everything else (check it - lockdowns don't correlate with outcomes in any way, probably due to the assumption of droplet transmission when in reality it's dominated by aerosol transmission).

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deletedDec 31, 2022Liked by Ed West
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Surely the only reason it's possible for a Catholic and a polytheist to become British PM in 21st century is because, compared to other stuff, no one gives a damn what religion they are. I can't imagine either Boris or Rishi being prepared to die at the stake for the sake of their faiths as the early Christian martyrs (foolishly) did. The fact that no one gives a damn what religion the PM is (unless he's Muslim or Mormon) underlines just how irrelevant religion has become.

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