Jun 26, 2022Liked by Ed West

The privileged woman with a guilty conscience abandoning her inheritance to live more egalitarian on a commune wouldn't be too different from a noblewoman spurring her family's wealth and going into a nunnery in 1350 Europe, no?

The cultural phenomena of the single female is very real. I've read that the sudden intensification of woke ideology in educational systems is mainly because of the dominance of single females among teachers and administrators. Same with HR departments. Intriguing that certain positions are increasingly occupied by single or childless females.

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whoops yes.

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Jun 26, 2022·edited Jun 26, 2022Liked by Ed West

Good stuff Ed. I clicked on the link to that Hamza Taouzzale and hahaha oh man. Everything is going to be like this for the rest of our lives. And that sort of thing is going to get worse and worse as you get older and older.

There's nothing stopping *you* from writing a hugely depressing Caldwellian history of Britain since 1945, you know!

Poland sounds awesome but from what I understand the foundation is being built for it to be transformed in 20 years to what Ireland is like now. As it gets wealthier and more powerful it will be very hard for the Great Satan to refrain from annexing it culturally.

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I have thought about it and vaguely made a folder of notes. It would be very bleak though.

Yeah Poland is probably going to get turned. Young women in particular seem to be way more progressive.

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And similarly echoed by Ibn Khaldun in the 14th century, - as Ed noted earlier.

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Jun 26, 2022Liked by Ed West

On the one hand, the modern Western world has gone totally kookydoodles. On the other hand, we still have air conditioning, antibiotics, and anesthesia, and I expect to die of old age before we reach the point of shooting the generators because they won't work even when you scream at them.

One of the causes of happiness is expectations that correlate with reasonably likely outcomes!

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TY Ma'am. I accept Your views, because I wanna be happy.

However, I've decided to quit smoking so I can live long enough to see them shoot the generators. Them fools'll never learn.

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Lawrence of Arabia:


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I watch very few movies. I've always wondered about this one. Now I'm *really* interested. To see if the fools ever learned. (I assume.. Well, no I don't. History one-a my worst subjects.)

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"Lawrence of Arabia" is the greatest movie ever made. Wait for a rainy day, make some snacks, and watch the whole thing.

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It was *Great!* TYTY.

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Glad to hear you liked it, and you're welcome.

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FINALLY (do I hear applause??)...

This is one-a my favorite quotes, and I don't have many... Haven't had occasion to use it much, but You reminded me, Ma'am.


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Excellent quote. And yes, "Lawrence of Arabia" is very long.

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Couldn't go through all the stuff on Lawrence. I added "Seven Pillars of Wisdom" to list. Ah well...

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Yeah, I just read the Wikipedia on it. (Now refreshing memory of T.E. Lawrence.)

I don't watch movies or videos because of the *time.* Ten or 15 minutes is my max. I may make exception on Your recommendation, however. But sounds looooong. Ah well...

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“LGBT identity has become divorced from sexual behavior or erotic feeling, allowing anyone to belong on the basis of little more than a generalized dissatisfaction with contemporary sexual mores.”

There’s something to this, but it’s also easy to risk overstating it. In Seth Stephens-Davidowitz’s “Everybody Lies” from several years ago he found that a surprisingly high fraction of women watched lesbian porn. This behavior pattern can hardly be said to be divorced from erotic feeling, even if many of these women never go beyond pornography.

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I miss Denis Healey.

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Dunno anything about him, Anthony. Why so? (If You have time.)

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Right-wing Labour politician. Enormous eyebrows. That's what people mainly remember

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Major at Anzio. Excellent brain, but not away with the fairies like dear Michael. Left-wing but pragmatic. Massively well read. Sense of humour. Underestimated 1970's unions. Was a contender, but it all went tits up with Callaghan. Then Foot. And Benn. But, as Ed said, mainly known for eyebrows. (And Edna, perhaps)

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TYTY. Wikipedia wasn't near as informative. Didn't see anything about Edna, for one thing. (Unless she's wife, which she probably was.) What I saw (that I recall), which wasn't much, I liked. My Uncle was at Anzio, and they should-a got a lot more ... That should-a been recognized as one-a the *toughest* battles in that war. Ty again.

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Thank You, Sir, for taking the time. He must do a lotta thinking with those eyebrows. ;-) Wait a minute! "Right-wing" Labour?!? I thought that was a contradiction in terms...

... Read the entire Wikipedia and noticed the picture. Interesting. TY again, Sir.

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Jun 26, 2022·edited Jun 26, 2022Liked by Ed West

Depends what you mean by 'right wing' JT. I'm left-wing, but I like Ed's writing and agree with a lot of what he says. I respect civilised debate. There have always been idiots on the left and the right. I have no time for them. But I do enjoy discussion with people whose views may be different to mine, who point to things I may not otherwise think about. In political life, most people live in echo chambers. All they want to hear is the ranting of their own tribe. Balls to that.

Best wishes


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When I "said" right-wing, I was just quoting M. West. And I dunno much about UK politics, but I always took Labour to be left-wing as they get. ICBW. That's why I was surprised. I still don't get exactly where Denis Healy stands. I thought he was interesting guy, but I'm not all that interested in UK politics at this time.

I consider myself to be Dead Center. So I appreciate and learn from most all views. As You can see, I got a lotta stuff to learn.

Yeah, I was there in the 2000s when people first realized there was such-a thing as an echo chamber. Things don't seem to have advanced all that far since then. Like You say, "Balls to that."



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I’m a little surprised you didn’t mention the great victory for the wrong side of history here in the US this glorious Summer of 2022.

As the protest signs held up by the lesbian Anglican priestesses say, “We Won’t Go Backwards!” Obviously the first thing that came to mind was Mr West smirking somewhere…

No, we cannot go back to the Garden. But maybe ‘evolving’ to the point of mothers eradicating their offspring was always the path to hell.

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Possible typo: didn’t you mean to write ‘luxury beliefs’ instead of ‘luxury goods’ for the Rob Henderson part?

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TY for review. Sound like interesting books.

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Sorry! Forgot to Thank You kindly, Sir (I assume). Also for pointing me in direction of "The Rise of Radical Egalitarianism" by Wildavsky, which Rauch mentioned. Thankee, thankee!

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TY again. That tweet pretty well sums it up. I hadn't considered that was the start of Wokeism but, yeah, I guess that's where the noble white savior class was born. I knew it all started with us Boomers (although not me). It went downhill from there. Like bankruptcy: First slowly, and then all at once. Thanks a lot!

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oooooo! Like Jonathan Rauch, too. I actually bought the book. That despite having hundreds. Only wish it was on Kindle.

... Reading review now. Never liked "radical" in the first place. And "freedom?" You don't find it from equality or egalitarianism. In the first place, gotta be free from radicalism...

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